October 29, 2010

New Shoes!

I admit that they're bit expensive, but after running the GR Marathon, i thought that i deserved to splurge just a little bit.  I've also been curious for some time now about improving my form by "barefoot running" (inspired in part by Christopher McDougall's Born to Run), so what they hey - i decided to get a pair of Terra Plana Vivobarefoot Evos.

Despite the fact that i like to wear what a friend has dubbed "Frodo socks" (toe socks), there's just something about Vibrams that makes me cringe.  By most account, the Evos are the next best thing.  I'm not sure if using them as an adjunct to training (i still plan on using my Mizunos for most of my mileage) will impact - pun intended - my performance, but only time will tell. 

Nice packaging.

A very striking look.  Yellow isn't normally my color, but this time ill make an exception.

The "ultra thin puncture resistant sole."

The sole is significantly thinner than my current shoes.  Apparently there's little to no support, allowing your feet to function as nature intended.

Wow, talk about flexible.

I don't think this is a good look for me. Or anyone.

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