August 2, 2020

Sourdough Chronicles: Loaf #6


2 cups unbleached bread flour
25 twists of kosher salt
1 cup-ish of purified water at room temperature
3/4  cup of "fed" sourdough starter "Thomas"


1.  At 3:00 PM: flour, water, salt, and starter were mixed together in a glass bowl.  Enough water (roughly 1 cup) was added to make the dough barely shaggy.  Set aside at room temperature.

2.  6:00 PM: the dough was folded in the bowl, once on each side. 

3.  6:30 AM: The dough was taken out of the glass bowl, placed on some floured parchment paper, and folded again, once on each side.  Set on the parchment, seam side down.

4.  8 AM: The dough was scored with an "x" on the surface.  Dough and parchment paper were placed into the Dutch oven preheated to 450 degrees.  Baked/steamed for 30 minutes with the lid on. 

5.  8:30 AM: The Dutch oven was uncovered, the bread was allowed to cook for 13 minutes, and then removed. 


1.  Scoring the surface made it deflate a bit... maybe use a sharper knife the next time. 

2.  Decent sour flavor, mayhap from being allowed to ferment for essentially 15 hours.  I'll try for less time next time and see if i can still get the same flavor profile.  

3.  Not sure what the effect of using bread flour vs. all-purpose flour is. 

4.  I'll try to not fold 2-3 hours in the next time... to make it truly "no knead." 

VERDICT:  Decent.  I think this is the one. 

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